Icon Game

Solve popular icons of famous people, movies, TV shows, characters, places, and brands with the ultimate Icon Game. Icon Game is a free game that has a unique collection of world icons! Challenge your friends to see who can solve the most icons. Your game progress will be synced with Facebook and Google Plus, so you can play on all of your different devices.

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Game Features

More than 2000 icons organized in over 60 packs.
Hints are awarded to help you figure out the answer!
The more icons you unlock, the harder the icons will be to solve.
Swipe screen to switch between icons.
Scoreboard where you can compare your ranking with friends.
Log in with Facebook or Google Plus to sync your score and compete with your friends!
Ask your Facebook friends for help when stuck!
Game progress is synced with Facebook and Google Plus, so you can play on all of your different devices.
